Welcome to our “About Us” page. For those who want to live in Central America or anywhere else in the world as an expat, know that we think alike. There are so many wonderful places to live outside of our respective countries. There is also so much to learn about each one.
Research can be overwhelming to the most ardent of us. That is why there should always be places like this. To help each other in making the right decisions when seeking to live in Central America.
When we made our choice to leave our everyday life, and live in Central America, we made this site. We are here to help those who have the same challenges we face when deciding on the best places to visit and live. The excellent news is, you do not have to make a permanent decision of where you have to live, only that you want this lifestyle and wish to test the many unique areas available.
Be Careful With Who to Trust
Do not be fooled by too good to be true information. It is everywhere and usually has a motive behind it. There are sites and groups out there who only want to sell you something. Make sure you are getting the information you need to make informed decisions.
Our goal is to make life a little better for all of us. Do we want to make money? Sure, but not at the expense of others who want to live in Central America. You may see the occasional ad on our page. We make part of our income when you click on an ad or make a purchase through one.
We strive to provide the most accurate information we discover in our journey, make a living at what we love, and raise others as we go. Visit often as the information on this site will be updated regularly.