Saturday, July 27


Healthcare For Digital Nomads In Costa Rica

Healthcare for Digital Nomads Costa Rica If you have begun the process of searching for digital nomad visas and destinations, you have probably come across Costa Rica. This central American nation is one of the most sought-after workplaces for digital nomads and for good reason. It boasts beautiful beaches, amazing food, and some of the kindest people you will ever meet. One of the visa requirements for Costa Rica is that you have to provide proof of valid international insurance for the duration of your stay. You may be wondering what exactly that means and what insurance you should purchase. This article will give you some ideas and explanations for healthcare for digital nomads in Costa Rica. What Exactly is The Health Insurance Requirement?  When it comes to healthcar...

A Few Things To Watch To Ease Culture Shock

Expat experiences are different all around the world. But if there’s one thing most expats share in one way or another, it’s the occasional challenge of culture shock. As we stated in our ‘12 Things to Know Before Moving Abroad’, this is true even for regular travelers. There’s just something different about living abroad for an extended period of time, and no matter how excited you are, or how “up for it” you might be, there will come a point at which you feel out of place and long for home. One thing to keep in mind is that this shouldn’t be looked at entirely as a negative thing. Culture shock can be uncomfortable, to the point that it even makes you seriously question why you got yourself into a life-abroad situation in the first place. But it’s also a sign that you’ve truly st...

How To Find Work As A Digital Nomad

Beginning your journey as a digital nomad starts with finding an online remote job. Certain countries that give digital nomad visas will require you to show your job and proof of income. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to begin looking for remote work a few months before your desired moving date. Let's take a look at the best ways of how to find work as a digital nomad. Social Media Management Many entrepreneurs, small businesses, and large companies need a social media manager. Usually, these jobs are offered in fully remote positions. Your main duties will be creating a social media platform calendar, curating posts, writing captions, and increasing user engagement. Most large companies want someone with a few years of experience in this position. Entrepreneurs an...

The Benefits of Living Abroad

Benefits of Living Abroad Living abroad can be an absolutely daunting thing to think about. As terrifying and intimidating as it is, there are quite a few benefits that come along with living abroad that make the adventure totally worth it. Follow along as we discuss the benefits of living abroad.  For many Americans and Canadians, everyday life can become a cycle of work, sleep, pay bills, repeat, and easy to fall into. It provides security and assurance, which for some people are critical for their mental health.  The Rut The problem arises when this cycle becomes so ingrained in their life that they feel as if they can never get out of the rut that they are stuck in.  Moving abroad will completely shatter this cycle. Stepping out of the comfort zone th...

What Every Digital Nomad Must Have to Survive

Living As a Digital Nomad The whole point of becoming a digital nomad and making a living abroad is to experience a new culture and a new way of life. Not everything experienced needs to be new though. In fact, most digital nomads will need at least a few of their own belongings to feel comfortable and to ease some of that homesickness away. Follow along as we discuss what every digital nomad must have to survive abroad. Here are the most tried and true items that digital nomads find essential for making a home for themselves in a different country. Your Own Computer This one seems like a given. As a digital nomad, your entire livelihood will depend on your computer. Some digital nomads even bring multiple computers! Technology overseas can be limited and certain brands ev...

Life as an Expat in Nicaragua

Retiring In Nicaragua Life as an expat in Nicaragua is often overlooked and overshadowed by Costa Rica to its southern border, but do not underestimate this small Central American country. Nicaragua is full of nature, lakes, oceans, wildlife, adventure, and culture.  Nicaragua is very popular with backpackers who want to experience Central America on a budget. As one of the most affordable countries in the region, it is becoming more popular with retirees from the United States and Canada who want to get more for their money. The cost of living here can be as much as ten times cheaper than in the United States. How is that for life as an expat in Nicaragua? Infrastructure In recent years, Nicaragua has taken huge strides in improving its infrastructure. Roads here are ...

12 Things To Know Before Moving Abroad

Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving Abroad Permanently moving abroad can be one of the scariest life moves you may ever make. Comments from friends and families can often make it seem scarier than it needs to be or seem like too much of a hurdle to jump through. If only I knew before moving abroad. Every expat and digital nomad in history has looked back on their first time abroad and thought, “wow, I wish I had known that from the very beginning.” So, what are the things you wish you knew before moving abroad?  The good news is that becoming an expat is the most fun and rewarding life change that you could ever make. With this article, you can learn about some of the most common mistakes that new digital nomads make and, in turn, be able to avoid them for yourself. ...

The Best Beaches In Costa Rica

Finding The Best Beaches in Costa Rica Costa Rica is nestled between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Being a fairly small country, both coasts are generally easily accessible within a single day. About 80% of the country's coastline lies on the Pacific side, with the other 20% along the Caribbean coast. World-class beaches are found on both coasts and never too far away. Follow along as we take a look at the best beaches in Costa Rica.  Playa Manuel Antonio Playa Manuel Antonio, which can be found in the Manuel Antonio National Park on the Pacific coast, is one of the most popular beaches not only in Costa Rica but in the world, and for a good reason. In 2019 it was voted #22 on the list of Best Beaches in the World by TripAdvisor users.  Getting to the ...

Life As A Digital Nomad In Panama

Living in Panama Panama, which is often overlooked and overshadowed as a destination by Costa Rica to the north and Colombia to the south, is an ideal place for digital nomads to travel and work. Panama is one of the most digital nomad-friendly countries in Central America. Follow along as we discuss life as a digital nomad in Panama. Navigating Life As a Digital Nomad in Panama Generally a fairly safe country, as with anywhere else in the world, it is always a good idea to pay attention to your surroundings and don’t make yourself an easy target. As expected, petty crimes like theft and pickpocketing are more common in large cities but you will likely not have any problems if you pay attention and stay aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone at night and only u...

What Does Pura Vida Mean In Costa Rica?

Living The Pure Life! Pura Vida. What is it? What does it mean? Why does everyone who is living in or from Costa Rica say it so much?  Well anyone who learned at least a little bit of Spanish at some point in their life could likely tell you that it directly translates as “Pure life”  Pure life? Why is that so special? Two simple words, can it really mean something deeper? How much could it possibly represent? Well, to start, it is an excellent way to describe Costa Rican culture. The laid-back and easy-going lifestyle is evident everywhere you go in the small Central American city.  It seems as if there is no one who carries any stress with them here. Everyone is living a carefree life.  The surfers riding the strong and steady waves on the Pacif...