Saturday, July 27

Best Places To Live In Costa Rica

Living in Costa Rica

Choosing Where to Live in Costa Rica

Beautiful Costa Rica has become a home to vacationers and ex-pats for decades now. One visit and you will understand why. The entire country, although small, has some of the most diverse climates for vacationers, digital nomads, and ex-pats to enjoy. The only question is; What are the best places to live in Costa Rica?

Pressed between the Caribbean sea and the Pacific Ocean, it is a land filled with over 800 miles of coastline and hundreds of beaches to play on. In the middle of these two different coasts lay a topography of lowland jungles and highlands of mountainous rainforests. Altitudes in Costa Rica range from sea level to over 3600 meters (12,000 ft.), making many different micro-climates to enjoy. Temperatures range from 18C (65F) to 26C (80F) in the central valley area to more balmy temps along the coast of up to 34C (93F). Of course, there is a multitude of cities and towns along different altitudes that fall into their own climates.

It’s not only climate that pulls people to visit Costa Rica. The cost of living in Costa Rica can be as much as half or less than purchasing a home or condo in the U.S., Canada, or Europe. Instead of buying, many expats rent for the first year or indefinitely, which allows traveling the entire country before deciding where to put down permanent roots. We highly recommend this, and with rent prices from around $400 U.S. and up, your budget may thank you.

The Truth About Where to Live in Costa Rica

Let me be clear as to not confuse people. Many websites geared towards potential expats try to grab you with stories of cheap housing and rents, and while it’s true, life can be cheaper in Costa Rica, it depends solely on your budget. Buying and renting in the center of the country will have much less cost than the coastal areas, but even compared to places like Florida, coastal areas in Costa Rica are comparatively cheaper. If you expect to have a three-bedroom house on the water, don’t expect to pay less than $1500 to $2500 per month rent.

Regardless of where to live in Costa Rica, you have found an outdoor adventure waiting for you. Waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains, and beaches await your trip or move. What to do and see first? It can overwhelm, right? Well, don’t worry. We have compiled each area of Costa Rica with the information you need. Before you come and surf the waves, sit back and surf our many pages on the unique areas of this beautiful Central American experience.

Let’s take a look at the best places to live in Costa Rica!

The Central Valley

South Pacific

Central Pacific

North Pacific

Caribbean Coast