Saturday, July 27

10 Best Reasons To Live In Central America

Whether choosing to retire to or work remotely from another country, some benefits come with both. Much of the U.S. population has not saved enough for retirement. Low paying jobs for others only allow them to barely live in the states. What if you could live the life you wanted? How can you live a better life than you do now? In this article, we will discuss the best reasons to live in Central America. 

The Best Reasons to Live in Central America

1. Fewer Rules

Growing up, the plan was always to strive to be like everyone else and buy a house in the suburbs. After a few years, we find that between local ordinances, HOA rules, and other confines we placed on ourselves suffocating. You cannot have a flag pole over a certain height. Your house can only be one of three boring colors. Even worse the trash cans must be placed in a specific place or you can be fined. Finding a place where you are free from this nonsense is not that hard to do. Many simply have accepted this life and are content with following the rules, no matter how mundane they are. 

This isn’t to say another country will not have rules and laws you must live by. It is safe to say that moving to a place like Belize or Costa Rica will allow for much more freedom from these types of rules, however. 

Best Reasons to live in Central America

2. Enjoy More Nature

Most countries in Central America have one thing in common, raw nature. Quite unlike the manicured trails of your neighborhood park, nature in much of Central America is still wild. Those who love to hike, bird watch, and see nature as it should be, will benefit from living in Central America. Jungle, beach, lakes, mountains, and volcanoes are just some of the natural sites to be had. Imagine a place where you can climb a mountain one day and swim in the ocean the next. In fact, in countries like Panama and others, you can swim in the Caribbean and the Pacific on the same day after a short drive. 

3. Technology Lives in Central America

People may find this hard to believe, but they have the internet in Central America. Some people do not understand that the online infrastructure is not that much different when living in Central American countries. Mainly, thanks to the abundance of tourism and business in these countries, the internet is on par with most first world countries like the U.S. and Canada. Phone networks, television services, and others will not be a problem for most. 

4. The Food is Natural

In large countries, it is common for us to visit a grocery store for all of our food needs. Although there are of course grocery stores in Central America, they tend to be smaller and carry packaged food. The best food sources in Central America, however, are the numerous food markets from natural food growers. 

These markets are not only a place to purchase the organic foods your body craves, but are an event in themselves. You’ll find yourself spending hours on some days just wandering around the markets and trying the local foods. Much of the food in these markets are grown by families and not large farms. 

Living in Central America

5. The Cost of Living is Less

We must be honest. If you want to spend ten thousand dollars a month to live in Panama, you can. You can also spend $2000 a month to live comfortably. It depends on the lifestyle you want to lead. If you rent a house on the beach, eat and drink out every night your bills can be high. If you buy your own groceries, live a couple of blocks off of the beach, and eat out occasionally you can live on much less than you do in the U.S. 

6. You Will Make Wonderful Friends

If there is one thing about the retired expat and digital nomad communities of Central America is that they can be close. People tend to live close to others with the same backgrounds and interests and living in Central America is no different. One thing you will find right away after moving to Central America is the multiple events planned for expats. You’ll find that most hang out at the same bars and restaurants on most occasions also. 

This doesn’t mean you won’t make friends with locals. In fact, you will be much better off as a human being and learn how to live your best life in Central America if you do make local friends. 

7. You Are a Short Flight Back Home

No matter where you lived in the world before moving to Central America, you are only a few hours away on a plane. The idea of leaving loved ones behind is one reason some people never pull the trigger on living outside their home country. Many people have realized they can spend just as much if not more quality time visiting family back home. 

Instead of visiting for a few hours a year, they find they can fly in and spend a few days with loved ones whenever they want. In the end, they have a better quality visit without thinking of how late it’s getting and need to drive home. Even if an emergency arises, a short plane ride back to your mother country is not as much of a hassle as they first thought. 

8. You Will Learn Patience

If there is one thing everyone learns after moving to a Central American country is that no one is in a hurry. Being laid back is part of life in these countries. The benefit of this is if you can unlearn always having to have everything instantly, you can reduce your own stress. If you don’t get on board, you can become more stressed. To make the most out of your move, to Central America, embrace this part of the culture. 

9. Become Social

With warm weather year-round and so many things to do outdoors, you may find your social side. Many of us tended to stay indoors and watch TV in our suburban neighborhoods back home. After moving to Central America most people are drawn to somewhere other than the inside of their home. 

This doesn’t mean you will become a social butterfly if you have spent the last few years as an introvert. I suggest that your people-watching skills, outdoor adventures, and feeling more comfortable at the beach around people will increase after the move. 

Live in Central America

10 Become a Better Human

Our last and best reason to live in Central America is you will end up a better human being. Taking yourself out of your comfort zone and learning about new cultures and other perspectives will challenge who you thought you always were. Conversations, food, and how people conduct their daily lives will be different. Living abroad is a good way to look at your own life and how you have been living it. 

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